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  • AzureTranslate - 1 - Preparations

    AzureTranslate - 1 - Preparations

    VBScript   Lua


    Download the latest version of this project.



    Additionally you need an account on the Microsoft Azure Portal and a Translate subscription (a free of charge pricing tier is available - Free F0). The following link explains in detail how to create such a subscription:



    Although the above link explains how to create a subscription for the Speech service, the steps are more or less the same for the Translator service. In Step 2 you just select the Translator service instead of the Speech service.




    In Step 3 in this description you see a "View full pricing details" link. There you will get an overview of all availalable options. At the time the AzureTranslate extension was developed the "Free F0" tier inlcuded up to 2M characters translated per month. Microsoft might change the pricing scheme in the future. Make sure to select the proper scheme/tier to your needs.


    Step 6 shows how to obtain your KEY 1. This is the subscription key which is needed for the AzureTranslate extension.



    Tom Wellige


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